I mentioned the other day i found my passion again...and its true, i did! I found my art again...and found my insatiable desire to create, paint, draw. I am working on an ART JOURNAL to bring to CHA to share. I have never made a journal just for arts sake...i have altereds a book or two in my day...but never in the mannner i did this one.

My favorite part of art journals is the lack of RULES...which is a good thing for me since i am a bit of a rebel anyway. I love that art journals are a bit organic, intuitive and just flow with what you are feeling....no certain direction in mind other than to play, expirement and above all enjoy the process!

one of my first pages still in "the process"....i often step away....work on something else and come back when i feel inspired to add something.

I cant wait to teach some doodliscious drawing classes....i cant wait to see what everyone creates once they learn to be comfy with drawing faces and eyes. Can I tell you how excited I am to finally use the flesh tone colors of my TWINKLING H2O's

my focus this year in my classes will be to "EMBRACE" ....embrace the process, embrace imperfection, embrace your inner artist, embrace challenge, embrace expirementing...and embracing yourself. (or in my case....my self) I am much too hard on my self as I am sure most of you are too.
I am hoping many of you will join me on my journey this year...whether on line or in person. I am hoping we can encourage each other to embrace life, art and one another.
Happy New Year